horse riding

Horseback Riding in Miami: A Relaxing Journey Through Scenic Landscapes

Embrace the serene allure of Horseback Riding in Miami. It’s more than a sport; it’s a peaceful escape into Miami’s picturesque landscapes—where city noise fades into the background, and nature’s harmony takes the reins.

A Step Away from the Bustle

Miami, known for its vibrant nightlife and beaches, hides a tranquil treasure in its midst—horseback riding. As hooves gently press into lush trails, the city’s neon glow gives way to the subtler beauty of nature.

Ride into Relaxation

Slip into the saddle, and let the steady rhythm lull you into serenity. Each ride is a new journey, a fresh chance to melt away the weight of the world. Here, stress is a forgotten language.

Connecting with Nature

On horseback, Miami’s landscape reveals its quieter wonders. You’ll tower over swaying grasses and amble beside winding waterways, witnessing the rich tapestry of local flora and fauna.

For Every Rider

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned equestrian, rides can be tailored to your skill level. Trainers ensure a safe, enjoyable experience, matching you with a gentle companion.

Scenic Trails Await

Arguably, the best parts of horseback riding in Miami are the trails. From tree-canopied paths to open fields where the horizon stretches infinitesimally, every trail has its own story.

Related Post- The Ultimate Guide to ATV Riding in Miami

Bonding with your Steed

The bond between horse and rider is profound. As you communicate with subtle cues, trust builds. There’s a unique satisfaction in becoming attuned to another being’s movements and moods.

Moments of Discovery

Every outing offers moments ripe for discovery. Perhaps it’s the sight of a rare bird taking flight or the way the sunlight filters through the leaves, each ride is replete with surprises.

Eco-friendly Exploration

Opting for equine transport means a greener footprint. By choosing horseback, you participate in a time-honored, eco-conscious tradition of exploration and appreciation of the land.

Capture the Sunset

Imagine the hues of a Miami sunset from the back of your horse—indescribable. The sky paints itself while the landscape softly fades into twilight; a perfect fusion of moments.

Rejuvenating Benefits

There’s healing in horseback riding. It improves posture, core strength, and mental well-being. The simple joy of a ride can act as a powerful antidote to everyday stresses.

Horseback riding in Miami is not just about the activity; it’s a full experience. As hooves click in tandem with nature’s heartbeat, you’re not just crossing terrain; you’re embarking on a journey—one that promises to be as tranquil as it is beautiful.


Guest Policy
- A liability waiver must be sign by all participants. For guests under the age of 18 years who will be driving, a parent or guardian is required to sign on their behalf.
- All drivers must participate in the orientation session before the tour.
- No pregnant women, recent surgeries, back/knee problems or any serious health condition allowed on the tour.
- Covered closed toe shoes Recommended for all tours.
- Guests may get dusty or muddy depending on weather conditions. We recommend that guests wear comfortable clothing that they don’t mind soiling.
- Safety Hemlets are provided by XPLOR ATV Tours and are required for all guests to wear.
What should I bring?
We highly recommend sunscreen and your camera. Valuable items not recommended on tour.
What if it rains?
We run tours rain or shine, however heavy rains will cause the tours to be canceled for safety reasons.
Do I need a valid driver's license to drive?
Our tour routes are off road, so guests do not need a drivers license to participate in our tours.
Are there any tours without guides?
All of our tours are fully guided and follow a designated tour route. Our guides are very knowledgeable about the area and will make sure you have fun.
What is there a weight limit?
We have different size ATV’s to accommodate guests of different sizes however we generally would indicate 350lbs limit.
Phone number
+1 (888) 568-2710
+1 (888) 568-2710
Business Time
FROM 10AM to 7PM
XPLOR ATV Tours Logo
Many people have enjoyed this experience and it’s one you won’t soon forget. Go get on an ATV and ride until you can’t.


Book Now Your ATV Tour in Miami! Memories forever with family and friends.